Frank and Elizabeth Balboa
Lead Pastors
Pastor Balboa has been in ministry for the past 30 years. His passion for God and his commitment to people of all ages is demonstrated week after week within our family here at LT and wherever he travels. Pastor Balboa has served in many different roles of leadership within our organization at a district and national level, today he serves as the District Supervisor of the Central Texas District.
Our First Lady has also been involved in ministry for over 25 years and has served right along our pastor in different levels of ministry, she is currently our pastor secretary, Sunday School Teacher and serves as the advisor to the district and local ladies department and many different roles within the church
Pastor Balboa and our First Lady have been married for over 26 years they have devoted their lives to serving God, serving people and the community. Their only desire is to fulfill their calling, and empower others for ministry to win this world for Christ.